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Mission,TX Dog Bite Injury Attorney
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Have You Received an Injury from a Dog Bite? Call Osiris!

Most American states make dog owners liable for all dog bites when a person is bitten, based simply on owning the dog that did the biting. A minority requires the victim to prove that the dog was vicious or that the dog owner or another party caused the incident through negligence or by violating an animal control law (like a leash law). Fortunately the victim's legal damages are covered by most homeowners and renters insurance policies purchased by dog owners, and by general liability policies that insure businesses and public entities..


Representation for Victims of Dog Bites

Victims injured by dog bites have legal avenues and actions available that will hold dog owners liable for compensating them for their damages. While these cases can vary considerably depending on the situation, a dog owner's negligence or carelessness must be proven in order for a personal injury claim to be successful. This means that the following elements must be established in a dog bite case:


  • • Owner Failed to Exercise Reasonable Care
  • • Defendant Owns The Dog
  • • Owner Failed to Prevent The Dog from Injuriing Others
  • • Owner Failure Resulted in Another's Injury


If you or a loved one has recieved a catastrophic injury, you should seek legal counsel as soon as possible. In a time of need, you need qualified legal assistance that can recover financial compensation for your loss. Give Osiris a call, and see if you have a case today!

Dog Bite Laws

There are several laws that can be used when compiling successful dog bite injury claims. Texas recently adopted a statewide law that can subject owners to criminal charges in the event of fatal or serious dog bite injuries. In addition, there are also various leash laws and dangerous dog laws that can hold bearing on your claim. For example, if it can be proven that a dog has previously attacked someone, then the dog will be considered a dangerous animal. Under the Texas Health and Safety Code §822, owners of dangerous dogs who allow their animals to injure another person can be held liable for the damages that occurred.


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