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Mission,TX Maritime Accidents Attorney
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Have You Recieved an Injury in a Maritime Accident? Call Osiris!

Maritime work, including jobs aboard tankers, trawlers, ships, barges, platforms, jack-up rigs or any other form of commercial ship or offshore platform, can be among the most dangerous of all occupations. However, if you or a loved one was injured or killed while working in a maritime job, you have the right to seek compensation. You need to learn more about your right to money that could help to protect your family and your livelihood.


Representation for Victims of Maritime Accidents

Injuries and deaths aboard a ship or oil rig often are caused by the negligence or recklessness of employers who have failed to provide safe working conditions or by the carelessness of ship owners and co-workers. Among the legal options for maritime workers and their families are:

  1. General Maritime Law Claims: Under this centuries-old body of law, employers are required to fulfill certain specific legal responsibilities, such as providing a seaworthy vessel, paying medical bills for injured seamen and covering room and board.

  2. Maintenance and Cure: A ship owner has a legal duty to pay for an injured seaman's wages, medical care and rehabilitation and room and board until the seaman is fit for duty again or reaches maximum medical recovery. Cure benefits include a seaman's reasonable and necessary medical costs, including doctor and hospital bills, MRI and CT scans, medical prescriptions, diagnostic services, travel expenses, physical therapy and in-home health care. An employer who attempts to deny or prematurely cut off these benefits is subject to legal action.

  3. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act: This federal law mandates that employers provide compensation and medical care to employees disabled from injuries that occur on the navigable waters of the U.S. or in adjoining areas used to load, unload, repair or build a vessel.

  4. Jones Act Claims: Injured seamen and crews of a vessel, including towed oil rigs, have the right under this federal law to file lawsuits against ship owners or other crew in cases of serious injury or death. Under The Jones Act, ship owners may be held liable for negligence and the unseaworthiness of a vessel. The law defines seaman broadly to include many workers in maritime trades, including workers on semi-submersible rigs and towed oil platforms.
  5. Wrongful Death: The family of a deceased offshore worker may bring a wrongful death claim to recover damages if the worker was killed by a fire, explosion or accident caused by the negligence of the crew or a ship owner, inadequate maintenance of the vessel or sinking of a vessel due to operator error.

  6. Death on High Seas Act: If the worker died while aboard a vessel more than three nautical miles outside of territorial waters, the family may seek relief under this federal law.


If you or a loved one has recieved a catastrophic injury, you should seek legal counsel as soon as possible. In a time of need, you need qualified legal assistance that can recover financial compensation for your loss. Give Osiris a call, and see if you have a case today!

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